Post date: 19 Oct 2022 - 5:27pm

Klinik Industri merupakan wadah hilirisasi riset produk aluminium untuk mendukung tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN) yang didesain dengan melibatkan industri, perguruan tinggi dan pemerintah. Industri yang terlibat dalam Klinik Industri ini antara lain IKM CV. C-Maxi, BUMN PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) dan PT.

Post date: 28 Sep 2022 - 9:11pm

Produktivitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) pada seluruh kegiatan menjadi kunci untuk menciptakan proses manufaktur yang ramping, efektif dan efisien. PT Hari Mukti Teknik merupakan pionir produsen mesin laundry industri di indonesia. Produk industry manufaktur yang berlokasi di Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta ini telah diekspor ke berbagai negara.

Post date: 6 May 2021 - 1:02pm
Post date: 14 Dec 2020 - 10:35am

Machinery process is a process that is used to remove some dimensions from the workpiece by using machine tools and cutting tools (metal cutting process) to form components as desired. The machinery process up to now is the most widely used process in making a complete machine component and is a manufacturing process that has a central role in making a unit of equipment or machinery.

Post date: 14 Dec 2020 - 8:12am

Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, M.Pd., Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, for the second time listed his name in the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI). This time Prof. Sugiyono was named the "Most Best Seller Author in the Field of Research Methods Predicate". The submission of MURI Records was carried out simultaneously with book review and general lecture on Research Methods in the Postgraduate Program Building of PGRI University Semarang, Monday (1/13/2020).

Post date: 1 Dec 2020 - 12:42pm

Collaborating with the Indonesian Biomass & Bio Energy Association (ABBEI), UGM Center for Agrotechnology Innovation, and the Indonesian Solid Waste Forum (ISWF), Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, last Tuesday (18/2) held a guest lecture entitled "Best Practice of Solid Waste Treatment Technology in Germany and Other Country ”which on that occasion brought in a waste management expert from

Post date: 1 Dec 2020 - 12:41pm

Based on the Chancellor's Instruction Letter No. 1 year 2020, finally Sutrisna Wibawa as the Chancellor of YSU gave direct instructions to Academic Staff and Students, especially in the implementation of online lectures. This instruction was announced Friday evening via social media and then formalized through an official letter signed and circulated on Saturday, March 14, 2020.

Post date: 1 Dec 2020 - 12:38pm

Following up on the development of the situation and conditions to date which shows an increase in the number of Covid-19 patients who are suspect (positive), patients under surveillance (PDP), and people under surveillance (ODP) both in DIY and National, through the Chancellor's Circular No. . 6 / SE / 2020, Yogyakarta State University will limit campus / office activities until March 31, 2020.
