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Introduction of ZWCAD and ZW3D Software from ZWSOFT Company
Introduction of ZWCAD and ZW3D Software in Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Monday, 20 May 2024 had been held a seminar about introduction of ZWCAD and ZW3D Software in Engineering Faculty Hall, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. The event initiated by Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Engineering Faculty had been attended by 150 participants consisted by students and lecturer from Engineering Faculty. ZWSOFT Company itself is a nationwide company who provide all-in-one software for CAD, CAE, and CAM since 2011. This event idea once started from a student achievement, Faisal Nugraha from Manufacturing Engineering Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta who won the ZWSOFT International Competition in CAD ZW3D section on October 2023. Following the student achievement, ZWSOFT company granted 102 free licenses of ZWCAD and ZWCAD.
The sign of Donation Agreement Engineering Faculty UNY and ZWSOFT Indonesia
Achmad Arifin, S.Pd., M.Eng., Ph.D, the lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Education said, the seminar event was a successor of University Donation from ZWSOFT Company for Engineering Faculty UNY; purposed to share knowledge and software introductory of CAD/CAM based software to the students and lecturers. The sign donation between Prof. Dr. Mutiara Nugraheni, S.TP., M.Si. as the Dean of Engineering Faculty UNY and Mr. Patrick Zi, Country Manager of Indonesia/Australia/New Zealand ZWSOFT was also conducted during the event. The Dean Prof. Dr. Mutiara Nugraheni, S.TP., M.Si. hope this donation agreement would make better cooperation and improve the student competency.
The participant enthusiasm
ZWCAD and ZW3D has some advantages as a complete all-in-one software and integrated with some simulations, e.g., thermal-fluid simulations, mechanical, BIM, and etc. Dr. Apri Nuryanto, S.Pd., S.T., M.T. as Head Department of Mechanical Engineering Education stated that in the future this software will be applied as media for learning education of CAD2D and CAD/CAM courses in his department.
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