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Focus on Improving 3D CAD Skills, UNY Mechanical Engineering Holds Fusion 360 Software Training for Vocational High School Teachers
Yogyakarta, June 8, 2024 - A total of 20 vocational high school (SMK) teachers from various schools in Yogyakarta participated in a 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) training followed by professional certification organized by the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) LMI TUK, Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The training took place from July 8 to July 13, 2024, with the aim of enhancing the teachers' competencies in design and professional certification.
This training was initiated by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education in the field of Community Service (PPM) led by Dr. Apri Nuryanto, MT, as the chairman of the activity. In his speech, Dr. Apri stated that this training is an effort to prepare vocational high school teachers for the challenges of Industry 4.0. "This training not only provides technical knowledge about 3D CAD but also helps the teachers obtain nationally recognized professional certification," said Dr. Apri.
Manufacturing Design Process
During the six-day training, participants were given materials that included an introduction to basic 3D CAD, design creation using CAD software, in this case using Fusion 360, and preparation for professional certification by LSP LMI. The participants attended the training sessions enthusiastically, taking the opportunity to discuss and ask questions to the experienced instructors.
Participant Assistance by Instructor
One of the participants from a vocational high school in Yogyakarta expressed that this training was very beneficial and improved their skills in design. "We are very grateful to the committee and instructors for providing this training. The professional certification we obtained will also greatly help in improving the quality of our teaching at school," said one of the training participants.
At the end of the training, the participants took a certification exam conducted by LSP LMI. Competency certificates were awarded to participants who passed the exam, as proof of their expertise in 3D CAD.
With the success of this training, Dr. Apri Nuryanto, MT, hopes that the teachers can apply the knowledge and skills they have gained in the teaching process at their respective schools. "We hope this training can have a positive impact on teaching in vocational high schools in Yogyakarta and prepare students to be better equipped for the workforce," concluded Dr. Apri.
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